Living Rightside Up: Flipping the Script of Your Story
Every day, from the instant you wake up to the moment you fall asleep, you’re bombarded by voices telling you who you need to be, how you need to look, and why you need to change. Glamorous models with impossibly perfect bodies plastered across the covers of magazines in the grocery aisle, blogs about the latest weight-loss tricks, Pinterest pins, romantic comedies on the big screen, Facebook posts, self-help books—all seductively whisper one message: This is what your story should look like.
You don’t have to live out the story that others are writing for you. Living Rightside Up strips away the lies you may have bought into and challenges you to start seeing yourself the way God sees you.
Praise for Living Rightside Up
Amazing book that helped me understand my own story. I am not the author—God is. He is using me as the pen and ink. This was a new perspective to me and one that the authors share with their transparent stories. Each chapter was filled with encouragement, strength and hope. You will be blessed by this wonderful and encouraging book!
— Reviewer, Amazon